पर्यावरण अध्ययन के लिए हाई स्कूल
444 वेस्ट 56 वीं स्ट्रीट, न्यूयॉर्क, एनवाई 10019 | मुख्य फोन (212) 262-8113

Senior Eagles
Class of 2025
Criteria to participate in Senior Events
85% attendance
Passing every class
No suspension in the school year

Senior Trip
We are trying to organize a day trip on 5/18/25 to Six Flags!
$117 (pay by 3/6)
Minimum of 45 students needed.
Only students meeting the Senior Events Criteria will be allowed to participate in this Senior Event.
If you paid for the old trip, please check your email for information on how to receive a refund or to transfer your payment to the new trip.

June 6, 2025
Cost: $200
Additional guest: $200
Must pay by 3/20
Gourmet catered dinner
Endless beverages
Dance and dine space overlooking the sunset at Hudson River
Live DJ
Photobooth with print outs

Request your Graduation Tickets!
HSES Graduation will be on 6.25.25 @ 1:30. We can guarantee up to 6 guest tickets per student.
We have sent home this survey to your family via text. Please check with your guardian to determine if you OR they will complete the form (so it is not filled out twice!!)
Use the form to indicate how many tickets you would like. We will use this to determine if we can offer more than 6 tickets to families that request them.

Senior Dues Collection
Come see AP Jenn in room 3011
TUESDAYS period 3
THURSDAYS period 7
CASH or MONEY ORDER (made out to High School for Environmental Studies). See due dates and amounts throughout this page.

Cost: $50.95 + service fee
You must order by April 15, 2025
Order online at https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/HSES2025

Senior Dues ($200)
Senior Dues cover:
Graduation cap and tassel
Graduation gown
Diploma case
Graduation ceremony (+ 6 guest tickets) at Hunter College auditorium
Senior Brunch
Senior Hoodie
Senior T-Shirt
Must pay by 3/20