Health and Wellness

Day One RAPP is committed to providing continuous support to the school community
during school closures. Alongside our Department of Education colleagues, we are doing our best to adapt to remote services, which includes our individual/group counseling, prevention workshops, and peer leadership. In the case that we are unable to provide care remotely, we will refer students and staff to appropriate resources. We will provide a comprehensive, vetted resource guide for RAPP related services within the next week for students, parents, and school partners.
The following is the latest information on Day One’s remote services for the Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP):
RAPP Counseling
As the situation unfolds, our protocol and practices around providing counseling is subject to change. For now, RAPP Coordinators can provide limited check-ins with students who received RAPP counseling at the time of the school closures. Check-ins with students can be conducted over Zoom (video conference), phone, email, or text. Remote check-ins and counseling may not be appropriate for individuals actively involved in an abusive relationship, and RAPP Coordinators will assess and plan for safety before providing services remotely. We can provide consultation to teachers and parents as well as assessment,
immediate safety planning and appropriate referrals to students.
We are currently working on adapting our prevention workshops to online learning platforms for remote learning. We will update you as web-based workshops become available for Healthy Relationships, Consent and Coercion, and Intimate Partner Violence.
Peer Leadership and Summer Peer Leadership Institute
We have suspended the planning, interviews and acceptance to Day One’s Summer Peer Leadership Institute (SPLI) until April 20th and will provide updates on SPLI at that time.
Peer leaders are encouraged to stay connected to each other and Day One by following @dayoneny and @eaglerapp on Instagram. @Eaglerapp is hosting daily Instagram Live chats on staying healthy and connected during school closure. If peer leaders are interested in contributing to remote RAPP learning, they should reach out to their RAPP Coordinator.
For Students:
Your RAPP Coordinator is working normal school hours, and can respond to your
messages during those times. If you are in an abusive relationship or seeking support in
navigating a harmful relationship, your RAPP Coordinator can work with you to develop
a safety plan remotely. This will include assessing which remote technology is safest for
you to use to communicate with your Coordinator. Your RAPP Coordinator is not able to respond to you outside of school hours, and if you are experiencing a safety concern or mental health crisis after school hours (8:30am - 4:30pm) we encourage you to reach out to
NYC Well:
● You can request help from a mobile crisis team if you are concerned about a
family member, friend, or acquaintance who is experiencing (or at risk of) a
psychological crisis. You can also request a team for yourself. To request a
team, call NYC Well at (888) NYC-WELL (888-692-9355).
● You can call a 24-hour crisis hotline if you are thinking about self-harm or in an
emergency situation 1-800-273-TALK.
If you need support with issues related to domestic violence or dating abuse outside of
school hours please use the Love Is Respect online chat or hotline:
● Call 1-866-331-9474 (24/7)
● Chat Online with loveisrespect (7 days/week, 5:00 PM to 3:00 AM EST)
● Text loveis to 22522
Like students, parents, and school staff, we are doing our best to adapt during these incredibly challenging times. If you have general questions or specific concerns about RAPP, please contact Rebecca Stahl, Social Work Supervisor at
Take good care of yourself and each other!
Rebecca Stahl, LCSW
Social Work Supervisor
Day One
Contact RAPP on Instagram
HSES: @hseseagles
RAPP: @eagleRAPP
PostSecondary: @hses_nextsteps
Mental Health Resource List
Counseling Resources:All of the following are free and available 24/7 by phone, text, or chat.
NYC Well: Call 1-888-692-9355, text “WELL” to 65173, or chat with a counselor at this link.
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741-741 to be connected to a counselor.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-8255 or chat with a counselor at this link.
Okayso: Download app to be connected to a real person that you can ask a question to from sex and dating to identity and more. See more at this link
The Trevor Project: Supports LGBTQ youth with depression and suicide, callbb866-488-7386 or text START to 678678 or chat online with a counselor via TrevorChat. Learn more at this link
Trans Lifeline: Trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive. Hotline is 877-565-8860 or visit this link
National Runaway Safeline: for runaways, homeless, and at risk youth call 1-800 786-2929 (24/7) or live chat with this link
Mobile Crisis: You can request help from a mobile crisis team if you are concerned about a family member, friend, or acquaintance who is experiencing (or at risk of) anpsychological crisis. You can also request a team for yourself. To request a team, call NYC Well at 1-888-692-9355 or learn more at this link
HMI (Hetrick-Martin Institute): Phone and video counseling sessions for LGBTQ+ youth, 212-674-2400 or learn more at this link
Additional Mental Health Resources:
Calm Harm App (Free, iOS & Android) - Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you so wish. You will be able to track your progress and notice change.
MindShift App(Free; iOS& Android) - Mind Shift is one of the best mental health apps designed specifically for teens and young adults with anxiety. Rather than trying to avoid anxious feelings, Mind Shift stresses the importance of changing how you think about anxiety. Think of this app as the cheerleader in your pocket, encouraging you to take charge of your life, ride out intense emotions, and face challenging situations.
eMoods Bipolar Mood Tracker (Free; iOS & Android) - Users report that eMoods can be a helpful way to track the frequency and severity of symptoms to help identify triggers and better understand their fluctuating mood.
Liberate Meditation App(Free; iOS & Android) - The only meditation app by and for the Black and African diaspora, featuring endless talks and guided meditations by teachers of color.